Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Notes From Our July 7, 2013 Screening


The Iron Mule just had its first show at Symphony Space, and how sweet it was. We had a great turnout and showed some damn-good films.

We even had a famous documentarian as our guest judge; Phillip Shane (BEING ELMO, and the upcoming DANCING IN JAFFA). 

We kicked off the evening with HICCUP by Derville Quigley which was a surreal piece about the things that lie within and outside of our control... And bouncy castles, of course.
Then from Byron Brown and the guys at HUMORDY we showed MY COOLEST FRIEND. There's a lot of fun to be had when you combine a porche, an electric dog collar and John Merriman in a wig.

From Tim Blackburn and Lyndal Moody we showed MONOBROW, a hilarious short about a girl who's met the perfect guy, except.... He has a giant unibrow. Follow the link to see, it's Iron Mule approved after taking home our Audience Award!

Next we screened the first installment of the upcoming webseries, MAN WITH A VAN, a series about the misadventures of movers in New York. It's funny AND it's written and directed by one of Iron Mule's producers and local man with a van, Ryan Decker.

From Mitch Rouse we showed MERKIN PENAL, a prison comedy with more rape jokes than you could shake a shank at.

Jeff Seal came by to share a drunken conversation he'd recently had with his drunken 15 year old self called... A (DRUNKEN) CONVERSATION WITH MY 15 YEAR OLD SELF.

Then from Periods Films we saw BIG CITY, BRIGHT LIGHTS which was a great, five minute, first-person POV version of the novel/Michael J Fox movie.

Our Judges Award went to I'LL BE HERE ALL NIGHT by Andrew Parkhill, which featured a beleaguered pub singer and the deranged old man who just wouldn't let him finish his set.

We then ended our night with our monthly WANNA BE A STAR? movie which pairs one lucky audience member with an Iron Mule filmmaker to make a short to screen at the following month's show. This time around it was GRANDPA'S CANDY written & directed by Iron Mule hosts Jay Stern and Victor Varnado and starring audience member Brad Brownson. Check it out!

We will be back at Symphony Space on August 4th for the next installment of the Iron Mule. See you there!